Friday Favorites #23

Friday Favorites

I can’t believe Memorial Day weekend and the unofficial start of summer is already upon us. This heatwave in NYC has also been no joke. 90 degree temps lately? I mean, it’s a little much. However, I’m not about to complain (yet) because I am more than ready for summer.

This weekend will be pretty low key. I am super excited for a double date with my girl Nikki tonight, we’re heading to Bar Nine, a dueling pianos bar! I love dueling piano bars and can’t wait for a fun night out.

Tomorrow is jam packed with apartment hunting. AJ and I are planning to move sometime this year, our date is still TBD, so we’re diving right into the search to see what we can find. We’ll see what the rest of the weekend has in store, although I’m sure I’ll be working a little bit and hopefully just getting some good relaxing in.

Bathing Suits

I’ve been seeing mid-kinis all over Pinterest this season and have become obsessed with this bikini top style. I came across this Kenneth Cole bikini from Macy’s yesterday and ordered the top. I can’t wait for it to arrive! (PS – there’s a SALE going on through 5/30!)


I didn’t love the bottoms, they were very high-waisted, so I’m planning on pairing this with regular black bikini bottoms, or maybe I can find red or blue bottoms that match the detailing.

Overnight Oats

I’ve finally forayed into the world of overnight oats and am wondering what took me so long. This week I’ve been having oatmeal cookie dough oats – it’s so delicious, filling, and definitely keeps me full until lunch. Stay tuned for a recipe post!



I got my first pedicure of the season last night! I usually wait until the warm weather to splurge for the professional pedis, and just take care of my tootsies myself during the winter months. Boy, did my feet need it! I panicked when picking out a color and fell back on an old favorite, Essie’s Watermelon.


Hello summer!

16 Personalities

16 personalities.JPG

For some reason, I am a sucker when it comes to personality tests. I find them fascinating and love reading the analysis comes comes along with it. I recently came across the 16 Personalities test and apparently identify as an ISFJ (“The Defender”).


Overall, I actually think this is a pretty accurate portrayal of my personality. I am definitely introverted, yet can hold my own in social situations. Another feature of this personality type is that ISFJs must be “seen to be believed”, as we tend to underplay our accomplishments (guilty!), and we take pretty much everything personally – this includes our responsibilities.

ISFJs are meticulous, if not perfectionists, and feel that “home is where the heart is for people with the ISFJ personality type, and in no other area of their lives do they strive with such dedication to create the harmony and beauty they wish to see in the world.”

Click here to find out your personality type!



How hilariously true is this? I saw it on Facebook recently and burst out laughing while shoving my phone in AJ’s face so he could see it. I’m glad I’m not alone with this stuff haha! It reminds me of this funny Huffington Post article, 19 Spot-On Tweets That Will Ring True To Married People.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend, and thanks to all who have served our country!


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